Feature Writing

KLASS Opinion Piece – BuiLD it BAcc initiative fAiLs its city

My opinion – this is not the first time that our city has disappointed the public that depends on it the most for support and relief during times of needs, and it most likely will not be its last either.

And although the mayor admits the fault of his outreach in the city report by releasing statements such as

“Initial months were lost to inertia.”

the city report still does not do much to inform its readers as to WHY were months lost to inertia, and what obstacles in specific were hampering the efforts of the build it back organizers.

Another statement “The tangle of bureaucracy made it virtually impossible to get a shovel in the ground.” Does not really tell us what bureaucratic processes are causing this entanglement, and what can be done to minimize these adverse risks for the future either.

Another interesting tangent of the recent buILD it bACc city report that was seen under my inspection as well was that while although the city report does suggest that perhaps seventy five percent of all home owners who had signed up with the program had retrieved some relief, why doesn’t the report mention as well that about half  of the homeowners (a number which was over 11,000) who signed up with the program at the start of it in 2013, had now withdrew their applications.

source – https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160921/coney-island/city-investigating-why-half-of-all-build-it-back-applicants-dropped-out
In this way then, it is misleading perhaps in my view to make it seem like the program was only a quarter bacc behind, when in reality, it had failed to retain up to half of it’s original participants or more.

So while moping about failed goals may not bring about useful changes to a government initiate any time sooner, perhaps the best way that citizens can cope with such incompetence from their governments is just to think to their own self that whenever government estimates the completion of some kind of restoration project that is supposed to provide relief to the pubLic;

rather than becoming upset with an incompetent government, perhaps people of the pubLic should think in the bacc of their minds that any dead line is just a rough estimation to what is in reality a three to five years LAter actual completion.

And even though it is comical to think the public should be forced to adapt their expectations so that they might be more in line with the pace
of how our city actually moves in reality, rather than what is projectiD in our nations’ press statements, at least then if the public expects the worst from the government from the start, perhaps then there will be less disillusionment, and less casualties such as with a man in a wheel chair who died waiting for the city to fix his home,

source – https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160912/gerritsen-beach/man-wheelchair-dies-waiting-for-citys-build-it-back-fix-his-home

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