Feature Writing

A Voice on Politics From a Military Police Officer

A Voice on Politics From a Military Police Officer

Gabriella LoDico tightened her bun and slipped on her boots as she got ready to head to her Army Reserves unit, thinking about the future of the country that she is fighting for.

She joined the Army Reserves in January of 2016 because she felt there was no greater contribution to the country than enlisting.

“I believe that there is no higher honor than serving your country. There is nothing more important in this world than giving back to your community and protecting your country,” LoDico said.

LoDico has a six-year contract with the Army Reserves, but will most likely not reenlist once it is up. She was based at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri during her six months of basic training. As a military police officer, she does drills once a month and training for two weeks out of the year where she freshens up her skills from basic training.

As the military police officer plays her role in the country, she is also thinking about other people who are taking on responsibilities of the country. The presidential election is a current topic that everyone has something to say about, and LoDico is one of those opinionated voters.

LoDico is a registered conservative voter. She comes from a very Republican family, even though she admits that she agrees with several liberal views such as marriage equality and the legalization of marijuana, both of which she supports.

The question of whether she is voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is very quickly answered when she shouts, “TRUMP 2016!”

LoDico’s preference of Trump over Clinton stems from the candidate’s actions and opinions of the Military.

“I prefer Trump because Hillary Clinton is a disgusting human being in my own belief,” LoDico said. “Hillary Clinton does not care about us and she does not care about this country. She left four Americans to die in Benghazi. If you can leave your own behind, there is no way that you can stand there and say you are for Americans.”

As Trump is often seen in a negative light, LoDico has something to say to those who dwell on his flaws.

“At least he didn’t let four Americans die in Benghazi. At least he didn’t defend a rapist.” LoDico said, referring to Clinton’s past career as an attorney. “At least I know he stands for America. At least I know that if I was deployed, and my unit was going down, he would do whatever he could to save my unit, to save my people, to save my joes, to save me.”

She is also adamant about the fact that she is not a fan of Trump as a person, only as a candidate.

“I believe he is the lesser of two evils,” LoDico said. “I’m not saying that I’m a Trump supporter because I believe in what he stands in. Him as a person, I don’t necessarily agree with some of the things that he says.”

As a Republican that leans towards conservative views, she does not want a Democrat in the White House who will not care for the military.

“Democrats hate war. When a Democrat is in office, the military loses funding,” LoDico said.

Democrats believe in decreased spending on the military that took place during President Obama’s term, which Republicans fiercely opposed according to Republican Views.

“Republicans will send us to war, will give us more funding,” she said. This refers to the Republican Party often being called the “War Party.”

Military families also benefit from a Republican as president.

“They will give us what we need. In case I’m deployed, my family will get money for compensation. More than they would,” LoDico said.

Current benefits for military families include a healthcare plan called Tricare and a death gratuity, if the soldier is killed, for up to $100,000.

Her views and candidate choice also line up with most people enlisted in the military. According to a Military Times Poll, all four branches of the military prefer Trump over Clinton. In LoDico’s Army branch, 56% of surveyed soldiers will vote Trump, winning over the 24% that prefer Clinton. The other 20% will not vote if they only have the two candidates to choose from.

“I have never met somebody that is a Hillary supporter in the military,” LoDico said. “Everybody that I have met has personally agreed with me. And, if anything, have enlightened me more on Trump and given me more reasons why Trump is better than Hillary.”

Other political issues that she believes need more attention revolve around taking care of the nation’s debt, as well as the school systems, and the homeless population.

“We’re leaving veterans to die on the streets,” she said. “We’re leaving families to die. We’re leaving dogs, children. We need to take care of our own first.”

As a military police officer that comes from a line of law enforcement, who enjoys hunting season as well, LoDico is passionate about the issue of gun control. While Trump believes in the Second Amendment for the right to bear arms as stated in his platform, Clinton stated in the democratic debate that guns “will not make America safer” and plans to restrict the number of concealed carry permits.

“It’s not okay to take away what I need to keep my family safe,” LoDico said.

She had some advice for fellow voters, regardless of who they decide to vote for.

“Choose wisely, listen to the evidence, listen to them speak, do their background checks,” LoDico said.

“I love this country. This country is way more freed than we think. People think that we are not free but we are,” she stated. “I’m just a 21-year-old girl from Long Island, New York who’s trying to make a difference, and trying to make sure that my family, for my niece, for my nephew, and my future kids, that they are safe.”

Her career goal is to become a cop, following in the footsteps of brother, sister-in-law, and father.

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