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j.york on Dec 8th 2014

I’m not going to stop this time, I’m not.

I’ll never give in, no complaints no fears.

With my eyes on goals, 
the right direction I’ll steer.

No matter the circumstances, 
with great effort I’ll always try.

My dreams aren’t just dreams, their aspirations I’ll soon encounter.

I smiled today and it felt wonderful because today it was my smile and no one else’s.

Today, I can fly too. It doesn’t matter if you are because I’m going forward from now on.

No more set backs, I’m alive. Do you hear that world? I’m alive!track

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First 3 months of college

j.york on Dec 8th 2014


My first 3 months at Baruch college has been something I’ve never experienced before. Coming from a small high school to a large college has been a great impact already on my life. The stress I have experienced these first 3 months, I never want to experience again. I thought college would exciting but its the complete opposite. With expectations, goals, and aspirations the will to succeed is at an all time high. Everyone warned me of how college would be but I just didn’t expect it to ALL be true. Papers on top of papers, exams after exams, sleepless nights and professors that aren’t easy to deal with. There is no one to keep you on track and keep you focused like high school but you. Even through all the stress I will continue to fight through it. I believe because I got accepted to Baruch it truly means something and I have to prove to people, my family and most importantly myself that I can do it.

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Last Blog Post

a.camina on Dec 7th 2014

saving grades

Me saving my grades at the end of the semester.

     My first semester at Baruch has been exhilarating.  Whether it be the thrill of knowing that I have to complete 300 math questions within 3 hours every Sunday night, or writing essays on the subway, college has really helped me to perfect the art of procrastination.  That being said, this photo perfectly describes what I’m going through right now.  I don’t know if it’s necessarily for me, and going to a business school in the city has really helped me come to the conclusion that perhaps I don’t need either of those things.  As important and enjoyable as business may be for some people, I don’t know if I’d like to spend 4 years learning about it, nor do I necessarily want to be near the city.
I have been introduced to some new things however, especially in my classes that are completely unrelated to business studies, like art history.  Finding out what things excite me and what don’t is going to help me make long term decisions regarding my future, so I’m definitely grateful for that.


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College is Great

h.mbazbaz on Dec 7th 2014

You don’t even see it.

you’re all blind

the true answer

you cant even find

it. this whole college system its a mess

lying to you that one day you’ll find success

4 years later financially stuck in a pit

this whole degree thing, thats all bull shit

6 months out you gotta pay back

futures fucked, credits down, thats a fact

psychology sociology and bullshitiology

now the following this is my ideology

Walk out of high school and put on a smirk

get those hands dirty, time to go to work

its time to start and lead your own nation

down the line you”ll figure out your own education

this dudes a fool he pays 150k

go to the library and read a book all day

some lie to themselves saying its a need

stop hiding in your room smoking all that weed


To put it in perspective college is a scam

i dont need a 4 year paper to tell me who I am.

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My experience…

h.mbazbaz on Dec 7th 2014


So Ill be honest and personal here. If someone was to ask me how was your time while in Baruch, we’ll lets just say that its the main reason why I am dropping out.


Although it may not be permanent, but I do feel like I am wasting my time here in college. And my plans going forward is to just drop out of this fake college way. Im gonna be straight up here, college has changed me in a very bad way, and I cant live this anymore throwing my money in the garbage. If I really wanted to learn half the things they are teaching me I can go to the library.


The only thing that I actually did learn was how much Reddit I was able consume in all my classes


So Baruch I thank you for unforgettable 4 months college experience. I will defiantly be following the direction of the great ones above


Credit for the Picture goes to:

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In which Emma Stone describes me…

k.guglielmo on Dec 7th 2014

Image Source:

My first three months at Baruch have been pretty good. I absolutely despised high school, so going into college, I had high hopes. Surprisingly, my hopes weren’t completely and utterly crushed. I mean, I made some good friends, I enjoy club hours, and the breaks in between classes. I love the sense of freedom I have and fully being able to explore the city that I grew up in. Most of all, I enjoy sleep. Yeah, sleep is pretty great, as Emma Stone so brightly says in the gif above. I have insomnia, so I don’t necessarily get the best rest, but being off on Fridays gets me an extra day to sleep in. So, while Baruch is fun and all and there are cool students to befriend and inspiring professors and informative classes, my favorite thing is just sleeping, to be honest. So, thanks Baruch for letting me sleep in a day for the past three months! You’re the best.

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j.colon1 on Dec 2nd 2014

MemeI think all college students can relate to this. When I saw this in the beginning of this semester while renting books I thought it was so funny because in high school it is easy to take everything for granted and then when you get to college you realize how easy you had it. I think this post will be relevant throughout my college experience so I think it is a good one.

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v.mastrogiulio on Dec 2nd 2014

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The first three months so far in college has been crazy. From all the homework, essays, test, sleep was very hard to find. In this picture, i’m sleeping in one of my classes. So far, my experienced at Baruch as been great and I’m looking foward to spending my time here. Thanks

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College Meme

c.livoti on Dec 2nd 2014

This perfectly describes my experience with the Baruch bookstore. The first week of school I thought it would be a smart move to but my books straight from the book store. Little did I know. When I purchased my first book from the store my wallet was left empty. I was shocked at how expensive they priced the book and I was even more shocked that I actually bought it. It was a freshman move and one that I will surely never make again during the rest of my years in college.

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College : Mood (Kaylla St. Luce)

k.stluce on Dec 2nd 2014


When school first started I was excited about it and I was motivated to make my mom proud and graduate. Now I am always tired and annoyed. Most mornings I have to really think about whether or not I should get out of bed. So far my college experience has been unsatisfying. Especially with finals coming up, this meme explains my attitude and my mood. This has been my facial expression since the beginning of the semester.

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