All posts by m.giasuddin

About m.giasuddin


Blog Post 3


The picture above was taken the night  before the first day of classes. I was hanging out with my best friend and she had the crazy idea of taking a picture with a snake some dude was carrying around. The only problem was that she was completely petrified once the moment came to take the picture. ( The snake was really big up close.) Nevertheless she still wanted to take the picture. So randomly I told her I’d help her, completely forgetting my fear of snakes, let alone one of this size.  After struggling a lot and the snake owner calling her chicken, we both held the snake together and got this really cool picture. The lesson I learned after this ordeal was to step out of my comfort zone and do things I  normally wouldn’t do. The promise I made to myself was to step out of my comfort zone in college. So far it doesn’t seem I’ve done so. Socially, college hasn’t really been up to par with what I imagined, even though I commute. However I’ve learned this is my fault mostly because of my quiet nature and staying to myself. Nevertheless I do intend on keeping my promise. Honestly that was the only thing I was worried about, as bad as that sounds. Academically I’ve always found my way around things and I’ve kept my grades up and learned some good study habits. Luckily I have plenty of time left in college and I plan on using it wisely.



Sunday night and everyone’s asleep but you. You’re probably on your phone or laptop, texting a friend, watching some shows, eating or all of the above. You know what day it is tomorrow, you get exhausted just thinking about. Ughh, you have class tomorrow, or maybe even work, maybe even both. You really don’t want this weekend to end whether it was fun or not. You start thinking, what did I even do today… Well it doesn’t matter cause you got to chill and relax, you rather be bored all day and do nothing  than go to class tomorrow. So you end up staying up all night, knowing that the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner Monday is going to be here and who wants that right? But you know what, a time finally comes when you’re finally tired and you just want to sleep, for however long you can. Then suddenly your friend hits you up and asks, “Did you do the English hw?” And you reply “There was English hw????” Sheer panic in a matter of seconds. You could either say fuck it and not do it, or stay up the rest of the night bs-ing this assignment. Ehh I guess I’ll do it. So now technically it is Monday by the time you finished the essay. It might not be the best, but you finished. You close your eyes for second for some rest. The sun hits your face and you wake up not well rested but sufficient. You look at the time and you already missed your first class of the day. Happy Mondays!!


Email to Professor

Subject Line: Presentation Question Communications 1100

Dear Professor Lopez,

I have been prepping for my presentation in class. I would just like to know if you think it’s appropriate to have background music during my presentation.


Mohamed Giasuddin
Communications 1100, MW 9:30