Blog Post #3 – Art Gallery


Last week I had went on a trip to The Sidney Mishkin Gallery. This gallery was way different from what I was expecting. The photographs taken by Marcel Sternberg were very fascinating and unique for its time. I was captivated by how Marcel Sternberg was able to show the personalities of well known people from the 20th century that the public did not often see. When I saw the camera Marcel Sternberg used, I was surprised; it was only a 35mm model camera! Sternberg’s camera was small and he didn’t use a high quality studio and yet he was still able to nicely capture the moments and atheistic in the portraits. I liked how he was able to portray his message across to the public. Overall I enjoyed most of the photos taken by Marcel Sternberg, however my two favorite photos photographed by him are the Diego Rivera and Albert Einstein portraits. Sternberg’s photo of Diego Rivera showed the crazy persona that Rivera had felt in himself. Diego Rivera’s eyes were rolled back and honestly; it was pretty scary. But what I liked about Sternberg’s photo of Diego Rivera was the fact that Rivera was genuinely pleased with the outcome of the picture. Diego Rivera had said that Marcel Sternberg was the first photographer who was interested in showing his(Rivera’s) true personality. The photo itself of Diego Rivera was captivating. It draws you in because it was so different from any other photograph seen. Another photograph that I enjoyed from The Sidney Mishkin Gallery were the photos of Albert Eisenstein. Albert Einstein looked really cute and happy in his portraits. I enjoyed the story that came with the photo as well. It was fun to see Albert Eisenstein’s expression and the story of why he had to wear his suspenders. Though Albert Einstein was a genius, it’s nice to see a different side of him.



Starr Career Development Center ” Internship Seminar”

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For this week’s blog post I attended a Starr Career Development Center workshop. During the internship seminar workshop, I was surprised to have learned so much. What amazed me was Baruch’s wide variety of tools and consoles to help each of us when in need for job search. The speaker, Michael Kalish, guided us through Baruch’s special career services center called Starr Search. This program is filled with jobs and internship opportunities that are only a click away. Every job and internship posted goes through Baruch’s special team to ensure that every listing is legit and beneficial to students. Not only does Baruch have a cool way to search for job and internship opportunities, our school also has a counseling center to help students prepare for interviews and resume building. I was so shocked at a number of unities our school has to offer! The Starr Search is something that I look forward to using in the future!

While job searching was part of this workshop, the main focus of this workshop was about internships. The speaker spoke about what to expect through an internship. He told us how to receive credit for internships and how to differentiate from a legit to a fake. I was happy to learn that students would be able to receive school credit from doing an internship; even if it is paid. This would be helpful in the future since I wouldn’t need to take as many credit classes that are nonrelated to my major.

Overall, I was happy to have attended an Internship Seminar. I was able to learn a lot about our school and about interning. Baruch seriously has so many helpful events, activities, and facilities that I can’t wait to continue to explore in the next few years.


Blog# 1 – Student Life!

  Student life at Baruch is so diverse and there is so much to do! Last week on Thursday, I went to UNICEF’s GIM and attended a Heritage Month event. I didn’t know what UNICEF did exactly, but I have heard of them before. What got me to come to the first general interest meeting was the free food! Even though the free pizza wasn’t that great, I would love to come back and join UNICEF.

UNICEF is a student club that helps children who are in need and fight for their rights from all across the world. This club really got me to open my eyes to all the things I take for granted. There are thousands of children from across the world that are in need of help every day; whether it be from natural disasters, poverty, abuse, the list can go on and on. UNICEF tries their best to fundraise through activities for these kids so they can live kids and be able to survive. I am looking forward to what this club has to offer. I want to continue to participate in this club. I hope that through fundraising, these kids will be able to live a better life and be able to grow up and help others who are in need.

After UNICEF was over, I went back to the second floor because I saw a huge crowd gathered around by the escalators. Looking over, I saw a group of students playing a Spanish dancing game. It was so lively and there were so many students of different culture participating in a Latin Heritage Month event. The event was held by multiple Spanish clubs. There was a photo booth that printed out photos!! That was really cool because it was all free and they had really cute props.