Blog #3

On November 9th, I attended the Majors and Minors Fair at Baruch. The fair was filled with tables with representatives of alot of different majors and minors that Baruch offered. The representatives all were every welcoming and willing to answer any questions that the students  would ask about their major or minor. The more popular major tables such as Accounting, Finance and Management were crowned . Some of the tables had a few representatives who are teachers of the class for that major or minor. Getting a chance to talk to actual teachers and build a relationship before enrolling in that. They also explained  what courses you needed to be finished in order to have the correct credits to graduate.

I felt that this Major and Minors Fair helped me better understand the path I have to take to complete my major and what minor would best fit with my major. After attending the fair I went home and changed my Three Plan for Baruch College. I would advise students to attend the fair. If you don’t know what major you want to take the fair can help you and you can get advice from people that are in that field. Even if you know what major you want to attend you should still attend the fair because you’re able to learn more about your major and get important information about minors.

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