Blog Post #3

     When I started my first year at Baruch I came in with a set idea of what it was that I wanted to major in. There was a reason why I chose this college to pursue higher education and I was also aware that it was known for mainly one thing which was business. However, when I attended the Majors and Minors fair Thursday during club hours, I realized there was so much more that Baruch had to offer in its academics. After going to that fair I would think twice before I said that Baruch did not have a variety of majors. There were students and professors from all walks of life coming together to promote their majors and inform mostly Freshmen and Sophomores about the variety of majors that are available at our institution. Though majority of the students go for business and accounting, I found great interest in Computer Information Systems (CIS). The professors seemed very passionate and I knew that it was something that I would not mind doing as a career. Another thing that I found interesting was how many people are willing to help at Baruch. It is not an easy process to decide  on what you want to pursue a degree in and opportunities to explore option is exactly what is needed to help ease that trouble and anxiety. I know that this something I’m always thinking about and doubting myself about because I do not know if I am making the right decision and constantly worry about the smallest of things. However, this fair showed me that I am going to be fine no matter what I decide to study as long as I am passionate and have the right people to guide me. Overall, I would recommend that everybody go to the next possible Majors and Minors fair even if they are sure about they want to major in because it provides a great deal of useful information.  


A trip to The Whitney Museum

I’m going to be completely honest and state that I am not a huge fan of museums and do not find it as entertaining as some might. However I found myself at The Whitney museum on a relatively chilly but sunny Saturday and enjoyed it tremendously. The exhibitions were nothing like I had ever seen in the few art museums before. It is very minimal and unique due to the variety of exhibits it contains. The exhibit that I enjoyed the most was one that portrayed the history of protests and it was around the time of the Vietnamese war and America’s interference in it. I think it is a relevant topic since there are people at the moment who are also unhappy with decisions the government is making right now. I learned a lot from all that the museum had to offer and think I just might appreciate the beauty of visiting an art museum a little mote.  I also enjoyed the rooftop the museum had because I thought it was a useful way of making art out of the beautiful skyline and a useful way of utilizing all the space they had. It over looked Chelsea and the High Line. I could have stared at it for hours and as the view was quite mesmerizing. Overall I would return to this museum again to view the future exhibitions and would return for the rooftop for sure.


Ticker (Baruch’s Newspaper)

At both orientation and convocation I was introduced to Baruch’s magazine and was immediately drawn to it. I had written and edited a little for the school newspaper in my high school and really enjoyed it so when I found out that Baruch had a newspaper I had to go and find out more. The staff was extremely friendly and open to all the members they could get. It was apparent that they were supportive as they were constantly complimenting each other’s work. Though this was just a general interest meeting I can definitely see myself joining Ticker formally and either writing for the Arts section or also editing. Out of all of the clubs that Baruch has to offer I believe that Ticker will provide me with the best experiences and skills for freshman year. It is going to teach me not only how to become a better writer but also how to be open to team work and other people’s ideas.

What I learned at the meeting was how the members of the newspaper go about choosing topics to write about and how they edit work. It seems like a lengthy and time consuming process but you do receive a lot of help if you find it too difficult to edit something. It is also nice to see how involved everybody is and how dedicated they are in putting put the best possible product on stands. It is not treated like a simple school newspaper but something of a higher merit and I am excited to see what I can bring to the table for the newspaper.