Investment Management Group GIM Blog Post #1

A club I had heard much about coming into Baruch was the Investment Management Group. This is an elite club that manages real money and some of the most interesting people I have met so far have been part of this group. An individual I had met in Psychology had interned at Morgan Stanley which was something I was highly interested in. He recommended that I go to the Investment Management Group General Interest Meeting, which was very informative and made my interest grow even more for the club.

This club provides financial knowledge and opportunities for students at Baruch that are talented, driven, and willing to work hard. I feel that this fits the model for me. I find finance and business more and more intriguing. They spoke about the kinds of stocks and funds they invest in, the different sectors that the fund composes of. They cater to the students that want something like that for themselves.

An important aspect of the Investment Management Group is that they provide workshops for students to develop their careers and grow. It is highly selective and the leader of the club mentioned that out of three hundred applicants only seven or eight people were accepted into the club. I have submitted my resume and I am waiting to hear back to see if I’ll make it to round two. An important goal of the club is to replicate the way a real investment bank would work, therefore the rigorous process of being in the club has been replicated the same way as well. I think this is important as it gives students a taste of what may lie ahead in their future. I believe the Investment Management will provide an opportunity for me to learn about the finance world and truly assist me in my career as I go further along the path.


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