I had first learned of The Ticker on orientation day way back in June and I didn’t think much of it and dismissed it. I wasn’t particularly interested in writing for a student newspaper or being part of the staff – too much work. However, as summer passed so did my goals. I was reflecting on the fact that I’m not a good writer and it takes me a long time to formulate words. In high school I was writing one of the many essays required and I remember sitting at the computer for 2 hours with nothing written down. Who does that? No one. So I decided I had to get over myself and conquer this weakness. Hence I joined The Ticker. After I’m approved to write an article I have a few days to research, write, and proofread it so the idea is to practice writing so many different articles that eventually I have to become somewhat decent at researching and writing in a timely fashion.
I wrote an article for the Business section of The Ticker, Issue 1 called “Alternative Energy Sources Threaten Oil Industry’s Future Profits.” It was a really interesting experience. I basically talked about how climate change and the uprising trend of sustainability affects the Oil Industry and suggested some possible solutions the Oil Industry will have to take in order to survive in the future. The effect of the Paris Climate Agreement is strong therefore the use of oil is decreasing as many other countries around the world are taking the initiative to use alternative energy sources. I have written a second article for the Business Section, Issue 2 (which will be on stands this Monday) on the Student Debt Crisis and the negative affect it is having on millennials.
My viewpoint of The Ticker has changed from orientation day. I have seen a glimpse of the work The Ticker does and by no means is it easy. After the writers submit the articles it goes through a process of editing and review. It must also be fact checked and and organized under the section, all while planning for the next issue. It is an ongoing process. Overall, I am learning the do’s and don’ts of writing for a student newspaper which is proving to be very enjoyable and rewarding. I’m learning to write quickly and accurately while keeping up to date with the news. It’s a win win. I plan to write more for The Ticker and I look forward to seeing where it takes me.

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