Internship Seminar !


Internships are a great way to build up your resume, expose you to the working world and help you choose your career. This week my friends and I attended the Starr Career Development Center Internship. This was a very informative and interesting information session. The associate director of the Starr Career Development Center, Michael Kalish was our presenter. We discussed the different types of internships such as paid, unpaid, zero credit or credit. There are many opportunities for all the students at Baruch. One type of internship that stood out to me is the On Campus Recruiting Program or OCR. Companies come to Baruch to interview students with the intent to hire for internships and full time jobs. In my opinion, this is the best way to obtain a job. You are able to interview with a recruiter in a place you are comfortable with AKA Baruch College.

Mr. Kalish also talked about resumes, interviews and the best ways to find internships. He touched upon the importance of being confident in your resume and cover letter. He also stressed the consequences of making a silly mistake on your resume could cost you a potential full time or part time job. Baruch offers a lot of resources to better prepare you for an interview. Mock interviews and meetings with the Starr counselors will assure that your interview skills are up to par. As a freshman attending this seminar, I felt a little overwhelmed and anxious after talking about resumes. I know my resume isn’t perfect but the counselors and resume writing guides are things I’ll definitely keep in mind. Some ways to find the best internships are Starr search,, internship fairs, SCDC bulletin boards and many more. To find out more information visit or go to Starr Search to find your first internship.

-Jasmine Singh

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