Blog #2: Study Abroad Fair

About two weeks ago,  I went to Baruch’s Study Abroad Fair. I was extremely excited to go and learn more about some of the possible countries that I could be considered a foreign student at. As soon as I entered the gym, I was bombarded by students to learn more about their country and university. To my surprise, the students who were talking about the schools were native to that area. They were studying abroad here at Baruch and giving their perspective on their home school. I thought that it was so cool to hear from actual students of those universities, rather than students at Baruch who have just attended for a semester. They gave insight on what they regularly did, and the majority talked about how they loved to travel within Europe. It is much cheaper to explore different countries while in Europe since they are all connected in the union, rather than travelling back and forth between there and the United States. I learned about how cheap their social life is, and how inexpensive food is compared to here, although nothing can beat the price of a dollar pizza. I thought it was very interesting how some of the colleges still offered courses in English to help foreign students adjust. Their methods for education were very intriguing as well, as their grades are composed of just the midterm and the final. They also offer re-sits, which is an opportunity to retake an exam if they fail. The student doesn’t need to retake the course, just the test. This makes sense in that the student just needs to study harder in order to pass/get a higher grade, yet without retaking the course, everything has to be self-taught. I look forward to studying abroad next year, although I still am not 100% sure on where I want to go.

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