Blog #2 AMNH


On Friday, October 9th, I went to the American Museum of Natural History after a week of planning and scheduling and canceling, with my friend Maggie. We lined up quick for our last class and left as soon as possible to get there on time. Part of the reason why I went there was to do my field assignment for my ENV class, but I also had a different motive. I wanted to see the Titanosaur, the 122-foot-long dinosaur. However. as time was ticking, we had to finish our field assignment first. First, we had to go to the Hall of biodiversity and the Felix M. Warburg Hall of New York State Environment. I’ll admit that we got a little lost. After questioning a random passerby, we managed to find our way. As the tedious lab questions dragged on and the answers to them played hide-and-seek, we began to lose our patience to frustration and anger. After attempting to describe the answers from the many signs. we decided to take a break. Eventually we got ourselves together and managed to finish our field assignment.

Personally, I would never come back to the AMNH unless its for leisure and only if I manage to get there early. Although I found the museum to be interesting, the fact that I had to answer questions about it made it annoying. However, it wasn’t all terrible. Maggie and I passed the meteorites and gems on our way to the dinosaurs, and we stopped to take a break in them. We had a small discussion on the different types of jade and their value. Honestly, I would have had so much more fun and learned so much more if I went to the AMNH by my own free will. I would have been more carefree and willing to read all the tiny blocks of text on the wall. At least I finished my assignment.

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