Blog #1- Joined a Student Club (Student Life)

During this past Thursday’s club hours I was able to attend my first General Interest Meeting (GIM) for the Absolute Adrenaline Club. Coming into college I knew i would have to get involved in student life, so I decided to try and see if I could join a club that peaked my interest and offered something that I really wanted to be a part of for my first student life experience.

The Absolute Adrenaline Club seemed great for my first club as when I read about them; their mission as a club was clear and pleasing to me. This club is a social/athletic club that focuses on an athletic/healthy lifestyle while trying to have fun by organizing both indoor and outdoor activities for members to partake in such as sports days, hiking, 5k runs, paintball, snowboarding, etc. I like to think that I am an athletic and outdoor person, so this club felt like the perfect fit and I just had to join.

On Thursday afternoon, the GIM was started off by the president of the club- George- a rising junior. George gave me and the rest of the students there a warm welcoming and a great overview of the club and what it has to offer. After a slideshow presentation, the rest of the club committee introduced themselves, we played a couple of icebreakers, and all the students were offered baked ziti and refreshments. It’s safe to say that Absolute Adrenaline made a good impression on me. I signed up for their biweekly newsletter and plan on attending their next meeting/first event which will officially make me part of the club.

I was specifically intrigued by the sports day, paintball, snowboarding, and hiking they plan on doing as by attending these events is how I am planning to get involved. Sports day is a day in the gymnasium where club members can let loose, forget about school and just get together to play any sport they please. A weekend of paintball is planned to take place in November which is projected to be their biggest event. Snowboarding and hiking happens outside of the school and is planned as a social event with friends within the club.

I anticipate to have a fun time in this club and am looking forward to socializing and living a more active, healthy lifestyle.

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