Blog #3


A few weeks ago, I decided to go to the STARR Development Center “Internship Seminar.” I am constantly receiving emails from the center about different workshops and this one in particular sparked my interest. One of the main reasons I came to Baruch College, was because of its reputation with connections and internships, but I never really knew how obtain one. So, when I saw this seminar I really wanted to go to learn more about it. The instructor was super nice and informative. He showed us a bunch of really cool resources that we can use to find internships. He also made it very clear that getting an internship is all on us, we have to go out and get it, one is not just going to placed onto our laps. He showed us how to navigate the different online centers and how it’s really all at the touch of our fingers. He also discussed resumes, which is essential to have in order to even apply for internships. As a freshman, many of us have concerns with our resumes and how we may not have much to put on them. He talked about how the years go on you learn to cut out the less important information and achievements from High School because firms and companies aren’t really going to care about what you did in High School. This made me a little nervous though because my current resume is completely different from what is expected. However, he reassured us that there are so many resources and one on one opportunities to meet with someone to help fixed your resume. I actually went to one of these and the lady was extremely helpful and made me feel more confident in what to do. This seminar made me start to think about future internships and made me want to start preparing and applying as soon as possible because the more experience the better.


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