Blog Post #3: Resume Building

On October 25, 2017, I walked into the Starr Career Development Center during the resume walk in hours. I did not know what kind of feedback to expect, but I was hoping it would be useful. Shocking – it turns out the Career Development Center is a helpful resource.

Although I had to wait awhile because I did not have an appointment, it was worthwhile. By the time it was my turn I met with a student advisor who gave me detailed feedback. We talked about the different ways to format a professional resume and how to use power adjectives to enhance one’s accomplishments. Before the session, I was not aware of what power adjectives even were; if I ever used any in the past I did so either because it sounded right or it was what was listed on

One of the few problems I had with the Starr Career Development Center was that it was so business oriented that there was not much information about how to format a resume intended for a company other than a business company. I am a Cinematographic Production and Investment Major who would most likely be applying to production companies. The industries are different and require different formatting. Business resume’s are more likely to be structured and formal whereas depending on what one is applying for in the film industry the format of the resume could be very different; the resume could be more creative, colorful, or less formal.

Although there was small discrepancy, I still learned a lot about resume building. There are rules that are uniform throughout the industries such as consistency, chronological formatting, and bullet points. Oh yes – the bullet points are very important. The bullet points are utilized to describe what one learned and accomplished through their experiences. Overall, I am glad I walked into Starr and I will most certainly do so again.

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