Resume Workshop

Two weeks ago I attended a resume building workshop held by the Starr Career Development Center.  I got there early and entered the class as I waited for the presenter to arrive.  Well, presenter decided to show up a half an hour late, which was very irritating, but on the other hand I can now put patience on my resume.  Well anyway the workshop proved to be useful.  During the presentation I learned that it is no longer necessary or necessarily good to have an objective on my resume.  I was slightly surprised by that but really relieved.  I had learned two years ago that an objective was necessary but I wasn’t good at writing them and hated writing them, so that was some good news for me.  Additionally I saw some formatting examples and examples of how to highlight what was important.  This was helpful to me because I have a resume that is geared towards a more creative career and I also have one that is geared towards a more corporate or business type of field.  My creative resume is well formatted to that area and highlights my skills but my corporate resume is not the greatest and needed some work.  The formatting presented to me was more geared towards the corporate side of things so that was very insightful.  After seeing that I went home and reformatted my corporate resume and now it is in a much better place than before.  Overall despite the late start I gained a lot for this workshop and now all that’s left to do is accept the job offers.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

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