Blog Post #3



Out of all the clubs and events I have gone to as a Freshman at Baruch, I realized the only thing I have not attended was any career type event. I knew I would have to go to something in order to fulfill my requirement for Freshman Seminar and that’s how I ended up at South Asian Student Association(SASA). They were going over resume’s, taking head shots, and teaching students how to use LinkedIn.

I opted for the resume review and I got a lot of great tips in what seemed like less than 10 minutes. One of the seniors at the club Lav, really gave me a better insight into how to improve my resume. One of the biggest shocks that I had was when he told us that recruiters take approximately 6 seconds to read through your resume. Therefore, it is important that your resume grabs the readers attention and enables you to get hired. I think personally the most crucial piece of information was to quantify your bullet points. Every bullet should have a number and some kind of powerful/action verb. I was surprised that the easiest way to improve your resume was to add in specific details. Instead of writing “helped tutored kids” as a bullet point, a much better way to convey that same thing would be to write “assisted in teaching 50 kindergarten-high school students in Mathematics”. Something so simple can really be the difference between being considered for the position or not. Besides that, the other tips were mainly about the aesthetic appeal of the resume. It had to have the dates on the right side, contain as little white space as possible, have your name bigger than everything else, etc. All things that I wouldn’t consider to be of value, yet they can make all the difference in the recruitment process.

Lav taught me and my friends a lot about how to improve our resumes and I was very thankful for the opportunity.  I definitely look forward to attending another career orientated workshop as they do help in preparing me for my future, and especially since they come at no extra cost.


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