Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Club blog post

Yesterday, I attended Sigma Alpha Delta’s general interest meeting. There was a bit of a SpongeBob theme going on, and it was both fun and informative! I managed to get a selfie with the VP, and ended up winning a contest with a group of other attendees. Fun afternoon overall!



Hey all, Evan here. Went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art this past weekend to see an exhibit on WWI. A lot of the time in history classes, WWII is the more frequent topic of conversation, so it was interesting to see a perspective on “the War to end all Wars”. Behind me is one of the gas masks used in the trenches by soldiers, but artistic depictions of soldiers marching to war, skeletons in No Man’s Land, and plenty of other haunting works.

Seeing different artists express their thoughts about the war from the perspective of their different nationalities reminded me that there’s always more than one way of looking at an event, even some that may seem simple to others.