Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Jordan’s 3rd Blogpost

For my third and final blogpost, I decided to do something related to being business-like, since I do attend one of the most prestigious business oriented colleges in NYC.  It was an event where Wall Street investors came to a panel at Baruch on the seventh floor of the library building.  When I walked in, it was clear that the event was a very formal event, as many people already there were dressed in suits and other formal wear.  Their faces even seemed to look formal somehow.  The panelists sat and told the audience about their jobs, a quick overview of their past, and what they were planning to do in the near-future.  It was super interesting how much each of them had to say and how each and every one of the panelists knew what they wanted to do.  As a first-year college student, I have almost no clue what I want to do in the future.  Many say that i should pursue whatever i am interested in, but then you still have to worry about how you’re going to make money to pay rent, insurance, and my student debt.  This event really got me thinking about my future and what i should be doing instead of SLACKING.  I do have an interest in trading and the business market, but that apparently isn’t a reliable form of income. I beg to disagree.  Sure, there are times of loss and times of come-up that make you want to splurge on a new phone, but in general, I have earned more than i have lost trading stock.  There’s also the worry of the artificial intelligence sector getting so advanced that there will be no need for jobs in our future and that there will be a global income where people are paid without needing to find a job to work.  I am looking forward to that! 🙂 This picture is of me having a total blast at the event.

 what a fun time i’m having!

Jordan Yee’s 2nd blogpost

On Tuesday I went to Museum of Sex with a classmate of mine in my block. As a museum with such a unique and interesting name in one of the most diverse and popular tourist regions on earth, it is no wonder almost everyone has heard of it before. Although people have heard about the museum and even tried, there is a required age for admission of 18 years or above. My whole life, I have been “a bit too young” to get admitted to the museum, but now the perfect opportunity has risen. I need to go to a museum for a school assignment and I get to enter the once forbidden museum. Now that me and my friend, Ben, are of age, we decided to buy tickets to enter.
First things first, we had to get there. The walk from Baruch College to the Museum of Sex is actually a leisure stroll through the bustling streets of Gramercy and Flatiron. On our way there, we came across a military tank which was said to have been in the same spot for months. We also came across these 2 vans with a ton of packages from sephora, Amazon, and urban outfitters. The packages were all over the sidewalk, probably put there by the workers, but they could have so easily been snatched and stolen. It’s a surprise nothing happened and the workers were able to complete their job without any situations arising. As we walked up to the building, I was a bit dissapointed to be honest. It looked like any other normal building/store front except with the sign saying “Museum of Sex”.
After entering the building, we were asked to present ID, which I held out like they didn’t believe I was 18 HAH that’s disrespectful! After purchasing our tickets and entering for the first time, I just looked and absorbed everything around me in awe. I don’t want to get into too much detail, but it was a fun experience and I would actually do it again with different groups of people because the experience is different whenever you’re with a different person/group of people. Following this post is a photo of one of the more modest photos that I had took at the museum.

Student Life

Hi, my name is Jordan Yee and I was really looking forwards to joining clubs like I had in high school.  So in the little time that I have spent at Baruch so far, I am LOVING it here.  That isn’t even a overstatement because it is so similar to high school, but so different at the same time.  I recently went to 2 different club meetings: Vietnamese Student Association and Absolute Adrenaline.  Although I did enjoy myself more at the Vietnamese Student Association club, Absolute Adrenaline wasn’t boring either.  Both of these clubs had more than a couple people and were providing free food for the people that attended their meeting.

At the Vietnamese Student Association we were encouraged to socialize with others around us.  Some of the people there were existing members while some were incoming freshman, creating a diverse body of people to interact with. In addition to the age and year of the students at the club meeting, there were people of many different races and cultures, not only Vietnamese people, as one might assume from the name of the club.  We did a multitude of things inside the meeting room like prepare our own summer rolls after watching a tutorial and even learn several Vietnamese phrases to compete against other groups.  (This may sound familiar because I went with a couple friends from my block: Ben and Darren)

The best selfie that has ever been taken with the President of the Vietnamese Student Association Club!

I haven’t really tried too hard to actively look for clubs that I can join but I really do want to be a part of not just one or two clubs.  Joining more and more clubs helps me to expand my social circle and practice my social skills with students from different places and very different lives.  I actually considered making my own club with Ben and can imagine running my very own club, bringing a diverse body of students together.