Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Museum Visit

I took a visit to a Jewish museum in which I learned a lot of close details I had not known before about the holocaust. I visited with my art history class and we got to look at original pajamas from the holocaust. We also saw original art pieces created by artists criticizing the nazis. Before art history I saw an art piece and I moved on without much thought. I just looked at the painting in face value. As I have gone through art history, I have learned the appreciation of art. The meaning and reasons behind why a painting is created is enough of an interesting story to me to look at it longer. It was really cool seeing pieces we discussed in class in person hanging on the walls of the museum. One of the pieces that stuck out to me was a depiction of nazi brutality in the form of a man being strangled by a brown bag. The words written on this artwork is what is important as it described Czechoslovakia a place that hitler decided to just pillage the entire village. The nazis left no women or children alive as well. The fact that my friends were along with me for the ride was fun too. What was really special about this visit was the fact we had a holocaust survivor come speak to us. The fact that the lady speaking to us was flesh and blood from the history of the holocaust was a complex thought to wrap my head around. She is also a baruch alumni. You can see your fellow peer Mr. Jordan Yee in these selfies. I also wanted to pay attention so I took these selfies mad fast.

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. hey jordan

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Museum Visit

I took a visit to a Jewish museum in which I learned a lot of close details I had not known before about the holocaust. I visited with my art history class and we got to look at original pajamas from the holocaust. We also saw original art pieces created by artists criticizing the nazis. Before art history I saw an art piece and I moved on without much thought. I just looked at the painting in face value. As I have gone through art history, I have learned the appreciation of art. The meaning and reasons behind why a painting is created is enough of an interesting story to me to look at it longer. It was really cool seeing pieces we discussed in class in person hanging on the walls of the museum. One of the pieces that stuck out to me was a depiction of nazi brutality in the form of a man being strangled by a brown bag. The words written on this artwork is what is important as it described Czechoslovakia a place that hitler decided to just pillage the entire village. The nazis left no women or children alive as well. The fact that my friends were along with me for the ride was fun too. What was really special about this visit was the fact we had a holocaust survivor come speak to us. The fact that the lady speaking to us was flesh and blood from the history of the holocaust was a complex thought to wrap my head around. She is also a baruch alumni. Here are some selfies that I took real quick because I was paying attention to the speaker. As you can see our fellow peer Jordan is in the picture. 

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. hey jordan

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Starr Career Development Workshop

Hello guys!

So I actually rsvp for two development workshops and I can’t even attend the second one due to class, but this blog post is about the first one I rsvped for. I attended an interview walkthrough workshop taught by target representatives with some public affair class friends. The target representatives talked about confidence and being prepared. Although, everyone in the room knew most of what was talked about I learned a couple of new things. I learned to actually prepare all-round situations you can talk about in your mind before the interview. Any situation with a problem, solution, and involves you will work because the interviewer will most definitely ask you a question about a past situation and what you did. I will definitely make sure to prepare situations beforehand now. Another great point they made was about group interviews. I have had two group interviews and still have no idea on what to do. But, I was informed today to just be myself, be concise, and be confident. In the end employers, especially target, just need a feel for your personality before giving you the job. I also learned about telling the employer you can not wait to hear back from them. Do not phrase it the way I just did but, remember to thank them for their time because even if they did not like you this keeps your options open. I definitely recommend going to a workshop event if you have not. You may learn things you think you already have mastered and end up surprised like me. I have already RSVP for a future workshop with the STARR center and I hope I remember to take full advantage of such an opportunity provided to me by my college. This has been Darren thanks for reading!

You can't see it but Ken is also taking a selfie

Student Life

Hello, my name is Darren and this is my first blog post. I remember my first week in New York alone after my parents left me. I had gotten a job at Shake Shack by that point, but I still knew absolutely nobody other than my older cousin. I was sitting at home playing on my computer and contacting my friends in Alabama whenever I was not at work for the first week and a half. My cousin then introduced me to one of her Baruch friends, Mina, which only made me more excited to start school. I remember at the convocation I met Kaylee. Then I met Ben and Jordan. Before long Mina had me in the club room and I met more and more people. I am honestly so surprised on how many people I have met. Coming from a week of being alone to having group chats for basketball, I’m enjoying the city life compared to little town Alabama. With the diversity here compared to Alabama, several of my views on life are changing. Never have I ever been able to interact with this many Asians. (except in Chinatown) Joining VSA has allowed me to befriend and lear

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Here I am with VSA Club President + friends: Alex,Tam,James,Blossom(President),Jonathan,TJ,Gary, and Brian

n about so many other different Asian cultures. The VSA club also gives me a great place to store my things, hangout, and meet other people in other clubs. I am really loving Baruch in every aspect except the distance of which I have to commute. (If only the MTA was reliable) And the classes, for right now, have been really easy on the work given and taught. It may sound terrible, but I honestly cant wait for final weeks where everyone will be in study groups. That is a part of the college experience I am really looking forward to.