Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Student Life

Hi, I attended the resume building workshop that was held by the business fraternity ( Delta Sigma Pi). When I entered the room I was immediately greeted and welcomed, by the brothers and sisters of the fraternity they were all really outgoing and caring. I was originally going to attend the IMG General interest meeting but due to the packed room I wasn’t able to attend that meeting. During the resume building workshop we learned about the power of the resume and how a resume actually should function. My resume was far below standards but members of the club openly gave me constructive criticism and I was able to come out with a new product. This experience sort of “opened up” my eyes to the possible help and opportunity that can come with joining a fraternity. This workshop also helped me meet older mentors that could help me with my future. These are people already working in the firms that one day I hope to be apart of.

 bad picture 🙁