Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Blog post #3

Hi guys! This week, I was accepted into the MUN travel team, where we will represent Baruch at a very vital conference in Montreal, Canada. The selection process was long and arduous. It involved mock debates that served as “auditions”. Because I made the team, I will be going to Montreal in January to participate in the conference. The preparation is going to be difficult — it involves three hour meetings three times a week in addition to the standard MUN meetings. I will be spending 12 hours a week getting ready for this conference. We haven’t been assigned specific positions yet, but I’m hoping I will receive a leadership position in something pertaining to geopolitical immigration. I’m looking forward to the conference and am very grateful that I was given this opportunity.

Blog Post #2

Hi guys!

Over the long weekend, I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the first time. After confusion of I was excited because so I decided to research the different exhibitions being offered that week. I was particularly interested in Renaissance era European art. I’m exceptionally fond of Jan van Eyck. I’ve been a fan of Jan van Eyck for awhile now, but have never had the opportunity to witness his work in person since I lived in Virginia, and a trip to New York City was just unrealistic. However, now that I live just fourteen blocks from the Met, I am able to easily visit and admire the artwork that lies in the historic and iconic museum. The fact that I’m taking an art history course this semester made the trip even more meaningful and substantive, because I wasn’t mindlessly looking at images and not understanding the context or importance of them. When I saw depictions of Madonna, I was educate enough to understand that the gold halo represents holiness and that it was painted during the High Renaissance with a romanesque style. Otherwise bland images were brought to life by the understanding and knowledge I had from the course. I went alone, because I don’t like having to go through museums at someone else’s pace or be expected to discuss what I’m seeing; I like to go to museums by myself and appreciate the productions in solitude. I enjoyed my first trip to the Met, and will definitely be back soon. I’m also excited to visit other museums like the Guggenheim and the Modern Museum of Art.

I highly recommend taking the time to visit the Met!Me with a painting I found. Shoutout to the French lady for taking the picture. Her name was Jeanne and she was cool. Stairwell to the historic European section of the museum.

Career Prep Workshop


 Yesterday I went to the career prep workshop. It was a very useful and informative tool that I recommend every Baruch student take advantage of. They did an excellent job teaching us about all of the opportunities that the Starr Career Development Center has to offer that will prepare students to pursue a career in the field of their choice. They discussed broad topics like what an upcoming career fair will entail and how to use functions at Starr like free resume reviews. They also went into extraordinary detail, though, helping us figure out exactly how to approach an employer ranging from advice such as what jewelry is appropriate to wear and how to shake their hand. I feel much more prepared to attend the career fair on Friday and find an internship I’m interested in.