Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Welcome Guys! My name is Breyahna, I am currently a freshman. I am currently an intended International Business major with a minor in Japanese. Recently, I have decided to join the Japanese Anime Asylum club, the only anime club in Baruch. While being there I was able to meet and bond with many kids that share the same love for Anime as I do. Immediately while entering the classroom where the club was being held , we were given an Ice breaker. We were instructed on saying our name, favorite anime at the moment, our intended majors, and our waifu (anime wife) and husbando (anime husband) if we have any. After the introductions were done, the president of the anime Nova..a.k.a Nova-Kun had brought out pizza for us to eat. While we waited for our food, the board of the club played anime soundtrack low and encouraged us to talk to each other, in order to get to know one in other. By the time club hours were already over I had left with a list of Anime that I should watch and some idea of how the Anime club would be going for the rest of the year. I had a great time! I will sure be going back to the Anime club every thursday during club hours.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

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