Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Blog Post #2

For this weeks blog post I decided to go to a museum, the Museum of Natural History in particular.  It is a very diverse museum with exhibits on animals from every region of the planet, as well as exhibits on space and the earth itself.  My favorite exhibits were the rooms focusing Totem Poles made by Native Americans and the Mexican and Central American rooms.  In the Mexican and Central American room I took a picture in front of a reproduction of the Aztec monument, the Aztec Stone of the Sun.  I learned that all of its symbols relate to the sun and accent the sun’s role in Aztec belief and religion.  It is crazy that it weighs more than 20 tons.  I thought it was really interesting how the Aztecs threw done the monument and buried it in order to preserve it during the conquest of Mexico by Cortez.  I walked through the entire museum and while there were a lot of diversity and different kinds of animals, I was surprised at some of the similarities between the animals on different continents.  I hadn’t been to the Museum of Natural History since I was in elementary school for a field trip and I enjoyed it, however this time I was able to retain and understand more information that I was unable to when I was a kid!  There are also a variety of new exhibits that I had the opportunity to see that the museum added in the years since my last visit.  

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