Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Lauren Nabavian Academic Blog Post 2

Hi everyone!

After hearing about the SACC Tutoring Center, I decided to attend a workshop because I needed help with math problems that I did not understand for my math test. Before the workshop, I signed up online through the SACC website a few days in advance. I chose which tutor I wanted, what time and day, which math course I am currently enrolled in, and what questions I had to ask them. On the day of my appointment, I entered the SACC Tutoring Center room, (which is located on the second floor) and the desk lady asked for my Baruch ID in order to check my name into the system. After that, I entered the tutoring room which had a few tables with name tags on it. The tutor was sitting at the table with a white board next to her and I sat at the table. Then I asked her some questions I had trouble with. She was very kind and helpful because she answered all of my questions. Also, she used the white board and wrote out the problems so that I can visually see what how she solved them. Coming out of this worksop, I felt confident because I was able to understand the problems that I did not understand before. I am glad that I attended this workshop because it can help me do well on my math test and future math tests.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

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