Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Ben Plotnick Blog Post 2

I needed a last minute thing to do for the blog post this week so I decided to go to the Museum of Sex with my friend Jordan yesterday. The Museum is on 27th and 5th ave which is close to the school so we able to go during club hours. I have always been low key curious about the museum of sex and what they have in there. Going into the museum I honestly had no idea what to expect. I was a little afraid to be honest, I didn’t know what I was going into. However, I still wanted to go, I was still curious about it. When we go in we bought tickets and then went into this bar area where there was an exhibit about New York Disco in from 1977-1979. There were photos by Bill Bernstein which showed the New York Disco scene in the late ‘70s. Some of the photos were pretty interesting but many of them were strange and very explicit so I had to prepare my self for what else was in the museum because this was just the beginning. We only saw a couple exhibits but the one that I thought was interesting but also very strange was the sex life of animals. These were sculptures of different animals having sex. The museum wasn’t really what I expected, it was pretty explicit and kind of weird. I didn’t know it was more of an art museum rather than informative. However, it was an experience and was I learned some new things which is always good. Despite this museum having nothing to do with anything I am learning at Baruch, I did take away some things that I can use at Baruch. While at the museum I kind of felt uncomfortable being in there. I’m not really sure why but I found this to be a good example of me stepping out of my comfort zone which can be really useful at college. It is important to be able to step out of your comfort zone some times and be able to talk to people, meet people and try new things.


This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Me in front of one of Bill Bernstein’s photos on New York City disco scene.

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