Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Sarah Mohamad Blog Post #3

Hey everyone. Over the weekend, I went to the American Museum of Natural History with my sister. I specifically went to see all the animals of course. This museum is actually my favorite museum of all time, and I LOVE museums. Anyway, the Natural History Museum has a lot of biodiversity and ecosystems, artifacts and props, everything you need to know about earth and it’s beautiful creatures and wonders. It is not your traditional museum with just paintings and sculptures, it is innovative, educational, informative, and overall such a fun museum. They even had a mummies and tombs (my obsession, I literally grew up watching documentaries on King Tut, the pyramids, and of course fossils and artifacts, my absolute favorite part of history) exhibit but I did not go because you had to pay separately and it was big bucks to get in. I got so lost in seeing all the exhibits and all the animal species that I almost forgot to take a picture. In this picture is a (sadly very little left) deer. This is the skeleton of the “Irish Elk”, the biggest deer there is on planet earth. The best thing about this deer are the antlers of course, as tall as me. Their scientific name is Megaloceros giganteus, the “giant horn”. Basically these deers lived through the last Ice Age, along with everyone’s favorite (or maybe just mine), Mammoths. They were able to survive the cold temperatures during the Ice Age and make it to Southern Europe, mostly in Ireland peaks. Overall, amongst all the beautiful animals I saw on my visit, I took a picture with this one, which I do not regret, just my hair and lip color choice. I encourage everyone to go to this museum and see all the earth has to offer. It is donation based, and so much walking since they literally have everything cool to ever exist on this planet. If you actually read this, thank you. Lastly, go to this museum! They literally have everything! Space, humans overtime, environments and a GIANT WHALE.

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