Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Ayesha’s 1st Post


Hi everyone, I’m Ayesha, and a freshman here at Baruch (like most of you). One of the first things I did here to explore student life at Baruch was go to the general interest meeting for Women in Business, or WIB. (You have to say the letters, not shorten it to ‘wib’ which rhymes with ‘bib.’ They were very clear about that).

I first heard about the club on convocation day, and was interested in it because I want to go into the business field when I get older (again, like most people here at Baruch).

At the meeting I learned about the core foundations of the organization, which include mentorship, meritocracy, and mobility. Women in Business focuses on enabling women to be successful in future careers in business by providing experience, tools, connections, etc. to help us succeed.

Everyone seemed to be really friendly, and I saw that the club is actually huge. There were a bunch of different committees which each focused on a specific designation of the club. For example, there was a committee for corporate relations and another one for marketing. They encouraged us to apply to whichever committees interested us the most, although no more than three. They even had some ice-breakers to get us all to talk to one another, and well, break the ice. Everyone hates them, but sometimes they’re fun.

As informational as the meeting was, there was also food, which I know is one of the biggest draws for college students, including myself. We indulged on pizza and had the opportunity to mingle and make some friends. It really felt like a community I might grow to love and learn from. Overall the meeting was very interesting and I’m glad I attended.

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