Essay Prompts

Story telling: in the majority of the works we’ve read thus far, story telling has been used as a technique for delaying negatives (such as death and punishment), gaining prestige and thus favor a (Odysseus) as well as a way to form connections and bonds with others. Take two characters from any of the works we’ve read and compare how they use storytelling and what the stories they tell convey/do for them.

Sins: In many of the work’s we’ve read, sins, how their judged and how they’re judged as sin can go hand in hand. In The Odyssey, although not as obvious as the sins in The Inferno, certain actions are looked down upon and even punished by the gods. Additionally, in the One Thousand and One Nights, although not considered “sins”, many of the stories we hear are about wrongdoings of the characters and how they are punished for them. Choose a sin and how differently it is punished and looked upon in different works.


About Delsy Espinoza

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One Response to Essay Prompts

  1. d.gorelik says:

    Hi Delsy!
    I really love both of your prompts. The one about story telling really stands out to me! Stories play such an essential role in both The Odyssey and A Thousand and One Nights, as both Odysseus and Shahrazad uses stories as a means to get their way and thus further the overall plot. The concept of a ‘story within a story’ added a very interesting complexity to both plots.

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