Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

William Blake

How is his work a commentary on the mores, religious temperament, and society in which he lived in late eighteenth-century England? What aspects of this commentary are still relevant today?

Blake was not satisfied with all things that were going on around him, by writing these poems he was able to express how he felt. In his poem “the Gate of Paradise” he describes how even people see injustice and don’t say anything about it. Where, in his poem “London” he mentions that when he was walking near the Thames, he saw people with sadness and fear. Even, soldiers are been treated tough by their kings. In his poem “ The Chimney Sweeper” he was more specific in describing how children are been punished by child labor. For example, children were not able to cry, instead, they were saying the word “weep weep” to describe how they were feeling while sweeping in the Chimney. Blake was mad because no one from the society wanted to fix this, everyone was fine seeing children work. What made it more difficult is that children were smiling and happy even though they were living a different life from which they should have lived, they never complained about it. Blake opinions still relevant today because there are still children around the world works. People with powers or society are okay with a child working instead of attending school.

One thought on “William Blake”

  1. I like the way you explain in details. Also I like how you explain all three different parts of the poem. But at the end you should talk more about religion part and the women part also because it was just about child still work.

    Thank you.

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