Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

William Blake

How is his work a commentary on the mores, religious temperament, and society in which he lived in late eighteenth century England? What aspects of this commentary are still relevant?

During eighteenth century, people lived in a society where they think that they could do anything with women, child and soldiers. His commentary helped people to change someone’s mind in that century where people do not think about others feeling. His work on all three poems shows that how people were struggling but still show that they are happy about it. It is still relevant because there are some places where there are child labor going on and also misbehavior with women going on. His commentary shows that he is into it and he wants to help people to get out of this situations.

One thought on “William Blake”

  1. I agree with your post regarding Blakes’s criticism of society. In his poems, he does demonstrate the horrors done in society towards children. I didn’t see where he mentioned women in any of his poems though, that was an interesting thought you had.

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