Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

“Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

What does Wharton wants us to consider about the way in which we do or do not know certain people in our lives? E.g. friends, lover, family.

I believe Wharton wants to know that not all friends can be truthful to us or not all friends can break others heart. In the story of “Roman Fever” has both situations because Ansley know that Alida was engaged to Delphin so she does not want to break Alida’s heart (all three of them were stranger meet in Rome and became friends). On the other hand Ansley like Delphin and she hide that from Alida Slade. In the story situation Alida knows all the surrounding thing about Ansley and Delphin’s relationship but she still marry to Delphin Slade because she thought the things will be better after they both get married and move to America. Sometimes the situation can be like the way that you do not know what to do with surrounding people even though they are your friends and family. These kind of confusing situation can lead you to the worst.

3 thoughts on ““Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton”

  1. I agree that people, even the ones closest to you, may be hiding secrets and truths from you. Oftentimes, we think we know someone, but in reality, we really don’t. If Mrs. Slade thought that things will get better once they’re married and moved to America, why do you think it was bought up now? Why did she even write the letter in the first place? What was she trying to achieve with that? I believe Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley were never truly real friends in the first place since they were not that close.

  2. It is absolutely right that Wharton tries to teach us or readers that trusting friends are not easy, and obviously that all friends are not the same. This is also true that Mrs. Ansley was deceived by a fake letter, but Mr. Ansley betrayed her friend by having affairs with Mrs. Slade’s fiance without thinking that it is wrong. I believe that they both were wrong they both deceived each other, however the biggest deceiver was of course Mr Delphin Slade.

  3. I completely agree with you that not everyone, even people close to you, can be trustworthy. Wharton wants us, readers, to know that the past is able to repeat itself and therefore, to be aware of all the people around you and your actions towards them whether they’re your friends, your lover, or even your family. In the story, Grace falls in love with Delphin who is Alida’s fiancé and out of jealousy and fear of losing her husband, Alida plots a plan to sicken Grace. She even pretends to be her friend throughout the story. In the end, Alida finds out that her plan actually resulted in the total opposite of what she expected, Grace having a daughter with Delphin. Therefore, like you said, these type of situations can be confusing and can lead you to shock.

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