Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

“The School Where I Studied” by Yehuda Amichai

What are the things that this poem is describing about the school?

Schools is the place where we get all the knowledge and it teaches us a lot of thing that we might face future. But when students goes to school they do not feel that this is the institution that will help us to move forward. The poet also describing that how he now miss his school days. When he passed by the school he remember the past days that he had spent in his school. He is studying about “botany of good and evil” and he wants to study this until he dies. He is also describing about how is school campus. People do miss school after they graduate.

“When You Are Old” by William Butler Yeats

“When You Are Old” is obviously a very romantic poem but it is also about aging.

William Butler Yeats is a beloved poet means he likes to write romantic poetry because he also love someone. He is describing his love in this poem by saying that aging and beauty does not matter. He also says that the girl that he love was more beautiful when she was young but when she got old she was not that beautiful. William Butler Yeats tells his beloved in this poem that when you got old read the book that he wrote and realize that he loved her with her inner beauty rather than her outer beauty. So aging and beauty is not always something to love someone.



“Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

What is the relationship between friendship and judgment in the story?

I believe that relationship between friendship should be pure means that you should not hide anything if that is your best friend and is a good person. The friendship in the story was not trustworthy because they all are hiding something from each other. I believe that even though Ansley like Delphin Slade then both should tell this to Alida who is his fiancé. If you are making a relationship with someone make sure it is trustworthy especially friendship. Alida still judge Ansely in a wrong way even after years passed and Delphin died because if something that breaks no one can join that.

“Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

What does Wharton wants us to consider about the way in which we do or do not know certain people in our lives? E.g. friends, lover, family.

I believe Wharton wants to know that not all friends can be truthful to us or not all friends can break others heart. In the story of “Roman Fever” has both situations because Ansley know that Alida was engaged to Delphin so she does not want to break Alida’s heart (all three of them were stranger meet in Rome and became friends). On the other hand Ansley like Delphin and she hide that from Alida Slade. In the story situation Alida knows all the surrounding thing about Ansley and Delphin’s relationship but she still marry to Delphin Slade because she thought the things will be better after they both get married and move to America. Sometimes the situation can be like the way that you do not know what to do with surrounding people even though they are your friends and family. These kind of confusing situation can lead you to the worst.

“The Dead” by James Joyce

What do you make of the fact that we learn a great deal about Gretta’s youth at the end of the story? How does this change your view of Gretta and her relationship with Gabriel?

I believe that Gretta and Gabriel was an interesting characters in the story because the whole story was evolved around between them. Gretta’s youth was interesting at the end because she told the story about how her friend, Michael Furey dies, with who she used to go out for walk when she was young. Gabriel was kind of curious about if Gretta loves that boy in the past but Gretta said that he was 17. I believe that Gabriel love Gretta because first he asked the question to Gretta that if she loved him but then he also got emotional with Gretta too. Gabriel and Gretta’s relationship was kind of complicated because one moment I feel that they love each other and the other I feel they do not love.

William Blake

How is his work a commentary on the mores, religious temperament, and society in which he lived in late eighteenth century England? What aspects of this commentary are still relevant?

During eighteenth century, people lived in a society where they think that they could do anything with women, child and soldiers. His commentary helped people to change someone’s mind in that century where people do not think about others feeling. His work on all three poems shows that how people were struggling but still show that they are happy about it. It is still relevant because there are some places where there are child labor going on and also misbehavior with women going on. His commentary shows that he is into it and he wants to help people to get out of this situations.