Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Gabriel and His Differences

How does Joyce depict the differences between Gabriel and the other characters in the story? How are they similar and different? 


Joyce portrays Gabriel as a protagonist that is ostracized from the rest of the characters. Although Gabriel is somewhat accepted in the crowd and does his “male” duties, it is obvious that he doesn’t belong. Joyce tries to portray him as extremely educated so that the rest of the characters seem to not understand him.  His character throughout the texts portrayed him as somewhat anti-social. He fails to talk to women and relate to them in some way. The author added this to highlight this side of Gabriel. He does not want to be at this party, and walking alone in the midst of nature is what he finds most enthralling. He finds it more pleasant. This puts into perspective how he feels about the situation and may affect how we understand his decisions.