Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Hurston The Gilded Six-Bits 10/8

​How and why does Hurston incorporate the process of giving great value to seemingly small things (e.g. gifts, personal foibles or tendencies, inside jokes, games) into the story?

The setting opens up to Missie May and Joe, being happy, newly wedded couples in their pretty home. However, later on, Missie May commits infidelity for Slemmons’ gold. To Missie May, money is of great value and gold was what that caused her to give up her marriage. However, Hurston incorporates small things such as Joe and Missie May’s inside jokes, their chasing around in the house, tickling each other, Saturday ritual of silver dollars, and small gifts in Joe’s pocket. These small things hold great value to Joe and Missie May, but May does not realize this until she encounters a marital conflict with Joe after her infidelity. These little things are what brings joy and happiness to both of them. Although they weren’t rich, they were still satisfied with sufficient food and living. They even had enough saved up for a child. Even the candy kisses that Joe buys for Missie May symbolizes his thoughtfulness and love for Missie May. Hurston’s message in incorporating these small gestures is that money is important and it’s easy to get distracted by it, but some things are of greater value and some people don’t learn to cherish it until it’s gone. Happiness does not stem from having lots of gold, but from enjoying the things that you do have, which is what Missie May failed to realize at first. And only through the lack of the small things, was she able to repent her mistake and see what’s truly important in life.

2 thoughts on “Hurston The Gilded Six-Bits 10/8”

  1. I totally agree! Missie May seemed to be content with her way of living until she became curious about the gold money. However, she realized when she fundamentally screwed up, that happiness roots from the smaller and more intimate moments in life. She learned to be more grateful for what she had. In that sense, one positive outcome of her infidelity is the growth in her character.

  2. I agree with you that the seemingly small insignificant actions between Joe and Missie May actually play a very large role towards the theme of the story. One can argue that Hurston’s introduction of Slemmon to the story can represent how devastating money can be, even to happy people such as Joe and Missie May. It is also important to mention that Missie May initially claimed that Slemmons, the symbol of money, was not something she was interested in. However, later in the story, she was unfaithful. This can symbolize that anybody can be corrupted by money.

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