Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Roman Fever

What does Wharton want us to consider about the ways in which we do or do not know certain people in our lives? E.g. friends, lovers, family.

Edith Wharton was an American novelist and short story writer of 18-19 Century, who had quiet emphasized on short stories related to the society and especially upper class society. In her short story Roman Fever she Demonstrates enough of significant points about friendship, social level difference, sacrifice, betrayal and of course love. There are many factors that could be considered throughout the story, from the beginning to the end of story. For example in the beginning when Mrs Slade wants to confess about the letter she had written 25 years ago, or at the end when she says”At the end of all these years. After all, I had everything; I had him for twenty-five years. And you had nothing but that one letter that he didn’t write”(Wharton 16 ). Roman Fever is a short story about it tells a lot about friendship, judgement and secret.. In this story both characters have done something wrong in their youth age, one for love and one for popularity and both get shocked 25 years later about some truth that has and had changed their lives. Mrs Ansley had betrayed her friend and became pregnant from Mrs. Slade’s fiance at that time however she sacrificed her love and kept her daughter from Mr. slade as a secret for many years and Mrs. Slade is the reason for all that to happen however her intention was something else. I have learned a lot from it for instance, it is not easy to trust people around you, or at least the truth is not always what you think.The very important point that I have learned from this story is that truth will  come out either it is sweet or bitter, if you sin you will be punished either today or some days later and also you cannot be rich or poor all the time.

2 thoughts on “Roman Fever”

  1. I agree with you that the truth will eventually come out no matter what, this story illustrated that fact. However, when I read the story I did not realize that Garce’s daughter is Delphin Daughter. This is an interesting point that you have mentioned that explained why Alida in the story kept mentioned that Grace’s daughter is better and brilliant. I also learned that trusting is not easy but also it is not about easy it is about that trusting can hurt you forever. For example, at the end of the story, Alida lost the person she loves and she also lost the friend that she trusts.

  2. I like the point you made when you said”The very important point that I have learned from this story is that truth will come out either it is sweet or bitter, if you sin you will be punished either today or some days later and also you cannot be rich or poor all the time.” and I agree with it. In James Joyce’s “The Dead” and Hurston’s “The Gilded 6 Bits” this point about the truth coming out sweet or bitter is prevalent. In “The Dead”, Lily reveals that she is still mourning the death of a childhood lover, the news is bitter to Gabriel, her current husband. In “The Gilded 6 Bits”, the truth reveals that Slemmons is a fraud and Missie May didn’t cheat on her husband Joe to leave him, but did so to take Slemmon’s gifts and use them to help her relationship with her husband Joe, which is a sweet truth.

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