Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

The Lady with the Dog Chekhov 10/8

How does one reconcile Gurov’s apparent misogyny with his newfound of love of Anna Sergeyevna?

Gurov calls women the “lower race” and makes his misogynic views present from the start. Despite this, he prefers the presence of women. He is a philanderer. Gurov puts on a façade around women claiming to act the way women prefer. On vacation, Gurov meets Anna, “the lady with the dog”. He is intrigued by her and starts an affair with Anna. After spending time with her, Gurov changes; He falls in love for the time. Even knowing that Anna is also married, Gurov travels to her home and confesses his love. He goes from being a womanizer to being serious about pursuing a relationship.

One thought on “The Lady with the Dog Chekhov 10/8”

  1. Who knew one person could change someone’s opinion they held for so long in an instant? This just goes on to show that not everyone is the same, and Gurov finally saw that when he encountered Anna Sergeyevna. If one is able to push their misogynous views aside, they can come to realize that not every woman are as despicable as Gurov sees them to be.

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