Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Why does Chekhov choose to depict these two people meeting each other but not much more?

I think the reason the story is only limited to their meetings is because a major theme in the story is this idea of freedom, acting freely on emotions, wills and ideas. Dmitri seeks other women to feel free as he is shackled by his wife and children. He states that he is unfaithful often because he likes the company of women and that “when he was in the company of women he felt free”. And Anna too escapes to Yalta for the very same feeling of freedom. She states that, “I wanted to live! To live, to live! . . . I was fired by curiosity . . . you don’t understand it, but, I swear to God, I could not control myself; something happened to me: I could not be restrained.” She is shackled by the husband who she considers “flunkey” and the life she is expected to live when all she wants is to have a sort of adventure. The two characters connect in this aspect in their search for tasting freedom and the story revolves around them indulging in the freedom of escaping their spouses and going on adventures. In fact, “every evening they drove somewhere out of town, to Oreanda or to the waterfall; and the expedition was always a success, the scenery invariably impressed them as grand and beautiful”. When they were together they were unconfined, free to travel and move, always walking somewhere doing something, escaping the everyday. It was almost as if they’re world was separated from everyone else’s and he states, “every man had his real, most interesting life under the cover of secrecy.” It seems according to Chekhov the real freedom is the kind you experience when nobody else is looking, when you are in your own world, far from the charades of everyday life.

One thought on “Why does Chekhov choose to depict these two people meeting each other but not much more?”

  1. I agree that the story is limited to the character’s encounter mainly because of the theme of freedom, but I don’t think real freedom is “the kind you experience when nobody else is looking”. I think we experience freedom when our minds and hearts are at peace. You could be in a room full of people, but because you are doing an activity that you really enjoy you are able to feel a sense of freedom even in a room full of people.

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