Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Infidelity and Betrayal

Betrayal and infidelity play a significant role in the shift of behavior within the characters. Betrayal is presented so strongly in the Golden Six Bits, that at times it even seemed to be a character itself. Missie May had seemingly been itching to get a taste of what it would be like to have gold money and be in the company of someone who is rich. Although it is clear that Missy May is apologetic about her actions, her infidelity it puts a massive strain on their relationship. What’s ironic is how Missie May gave off the impression of being put off by Slemmons and his reputation, saying, “Ah don’t see whut de womens see on [Slemmons]. Ah wouldn’t give ‘im a wink if de sheriff wuz after ‘im”(49). Yet, she proceeds to sleep with him. Although it is not clear as to why she decides to sleep with him, Joe’s constant mentioning of Slemmons, of his promiscuity, and his money could have triggered piqued her interest. There is a visible shift in her behavior and perception of Slemmons when she sees him at the ice cream parlor. Missie May becomes star-struck, more so by his gold money and tells her husband, “But he sho is got uh heap uh gold on ‘im. Dat’s de first time Ah ever seed gold money”(57). The change in dialogue reflects how she realized she’d underestimated Slemmons the first time around. It is clear that she is becoming curious about him and his wealth. 

One can take Missie May’s actions and label her as a “golddigger” quite literally. However, May and her husband Joe are poor. They try to live their small, impoverished life with splendor and joy but it is clear that May has an inner desire to experience being rich. Her inner desire does not justify her actions in the least, but I believe it has a key role in her infidelity. With Joe, the betrayal from his wife was like a stab to the heart. It caused him to distance himself from her and doubt her words. He would not return home many times, investing in more time to work. When she got pregnant, he questioned whether or not he was the father. However, Missie May did not receive any harsh repercussions besides getting the cold shoulder from her husband at times. Missie May’s betrayal seemed to push Joe to prove his worth to her. In the end, he did come around to forgive her.

One thought on “Infidelity and Betrayal”

  1. I see that you defended Missie May. I understand the need to explain the situation she and Joe were in. She wanted to reciprocate everything Joe has done and given to her. By sleeping with Otis, she could afford to give Joe something back.

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