Restaurant Review – Starbucks

When someone is diagnosed as a lactose intolerant, at first it can be quite difficult. For example, what do you put in your coffee if you cannot put milk? Sometimes that is all there is regular milk.

However, what I have found, is that Starbucks really offers a great selection. They have soy milk, coconut milk and almond milk. Generally, all of these can be found at the station where the other milk products are. If not, just ask!

Another thing I love about Starbucks is that all of their milk based products, whether it be a latte or a frappuccino, can be made with a milk substitute. While there is a small up charge for it (60 cents at my local stop), it makes the transition a lot easier. My go-to drink would always be a vanilla latte. When I found out I could not have dairy anymore, I was quite concerned, to say the least! Now, I can enjoy my drink safely, and happily!

Restaurant Review – by CHLOE

This a post for all the vegans out there!

While by CHLOE is a pretty well known spot, I decided to review because I just went there for the first time last weekend!

Currently by CHLOE are located in 4 cities: New York City, Boston, Los Angeles and Providence. Currently, they have a number of locations but soon, they will have eleven across the four cities. So no matter where you are, you can some great vegan food.

I decided to have the a lemonade and the whiskey burger.

Official by CHLOE description: WHISKEY BBQ $11.95


This place is definitely recommended!

Community Board!

Hi everyone!

When I first began to think about where I wanted to take this blog, one of the ideas I really was excited about was creating a discussion board. When I was diagnosed, what really helped me was talking with other people and getting their feedback, and experiences.

So here is the first post! Share your experiences!

Common Symptoms of Food Allergies

Prior, to my diagnosis, I was not sure what was wrong with me. I went to a number of doctors who each told me something else. I was very confused as I was not getting better. When I finally found out I was lactose intolerant, it all clicked for me. The reason I am posting this picture is to assist you in whatever you may be going through. If I had this picture prior to my diagnosis, I could have found what was truly wrong with me. Please keep in, however, this post is not intended to diagnose you, nor put you in a disagreement with your doctor. With that being said, I hope it may assist you moving forward.

Product Review – Spiralizer

Hi Guys!


I recently tried a really great product. It is called a spiralizer, and it really will be a great use to all those who cannot have wheat, or gluten! The product allows you to make “pasta” out of common vegetables! Some of my favorites were the zucchini pasta, and carrots. It boils well, tastes delicious, and the best part: its healthy! All you do is buy some vegetables, put it into the machine, and then boil it as you would with regular pasta. You can use sauce, butter, anything you’d like! A personal favorite of mine is using zucchini, pesto, mushrooms and some grilled chicken. It is a quick meal and can be a very healthy alternative to those that may not have the allergy!

Here is the product I used:


Hope you enjoy! Happy eating!


For most, a new diet can be incredibly difficult to implement and stick to. Whether you are trying lose a few pounds, or you were recently told you can not have lactose anymore, change is very tough. That is why I created this blog, and why I believe it can truly help you.

Recipes will be here. Coupons to shop at your favorite stores can be found here. There will even be a discussion board to talk about your new life, and to hear other’s challenges, and successes. because it is in my belief, knowledge is truly best learned when it is learned through experience, whether it be yours or someone else’s.

Change is tough, but this blog will make it a little more bearable.