In “A Peoples History of the United states”, by Howard Zinn, various important movement liberators are mentioned. The time of the 1960s and 1970s were robust and lacking individuality for women, Latinos, gays, and many more. Many leaders of these movements, such as Patricia Robinson who rooted for black females, and Betty Friedan. Patricia Robinson directed a pamphlet called “Poor Black Women”, in which she denounced the issue of women needing basic social change and justice. The 70’s were a harsh time for both blacks and women, and she acknowledged this, reasoning that women should become independent and self-righteous,
“She withdrew the children from male dominance and to educate and support them herself. In this very process, male authority and exploitation are seriously weakened.”
Showing her Argument for the very standing that an independent woman can raise kids and be a protecting guardian, Howard Zinn is able to portray the correct image of that time, the prejudice and reliance that was forced upon woman by society, and cast that males had a superior role in the household. In the case of Betty Friedan, with her book “The Feminine Mystique” she compiled a lecture on the struggles and apparitions of women.
She tended to conceive in that women were lacking a sort of plaint role in life; “Sometimes a woman would say I feel empty, somehow… incomplete.” Her introduction into the perils and loneliness of a woman paints a better picture than a painter ever could. By introducing her agenda, Howard Zinn provides a sense of feeling for how ladies and women at that time felt
. “…a man’s wife is the show window where he exhibits the measure of his achievement… The biggest deals are put across over luncheon tables;… we meet at dinner the people who can push our fortunes… The woman who cultivates a circle of worthwhile people, who belongs to clubs, who makes herself interesting and agreeable… is a help to her husband.”
By incorporating this, Zinn is able to make a point of how woman had progressed to that they need not to prove themselves as an individual, but were thought alongside their life partner, and represented each other. The woman who had been able to reflect herself through the people she hung out with and the things she did truly spoke for herself, more than any other stereotype ever could. Moreover, the attitude that woman were idealistic to their family and figurehead disillusioned the process of sexual prejudice to its core. Woman were no longer restrained to being trophies to husbands, but instead actual helpers, almost guides. Using her as an example, he depicts just how exasperated and ventured the woman soul was in the 60s and 70s, and how motivated they were to chase their Manifest Destiny of equal rights.