If anyone was asked to make a list of the most non humorous topics, slavery would easily make top 5. However, Tarantino manages to depict such an evil and inhumane time period in such a comical light. (Whether that’s a good or bad thing is solely a matter of opinion.) This film gives off a certain parody-like vibe, with the animated noises and the western text floating across the screen. The editing was almost as unconventional as the main characters. One of which being Stephan, a very…loyal slave of Mr. Calvin Candie.
Django and Dr. Shultz go to “Candy Land” in attempts to “buy” Djangos wife Broomhilda. When Stephan realizes the plan these two devised, he wastes no time telling his beloved master. Stephan tells Candie to meet him in the library, where he discloses the information he just learned. What caught my attention is the way the dialogue was set up between the two.When most people think of slave-owner relationships, they think of a hierarchy, a superior and an inferior. In this scene they were equals. Stephan somehow managed to be a villain, a father like figure to Calvin and not to mention… A SLAVE.
Tarantino’s portrayal of slavery is not quiet a black versus white, slave owner versus slave debacle , but more of a “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” kind of approach. while I’m not qualified to determine the accuracy in his portrayal, I must admit, it sure was entertaining.