Tag Archives: Technology

Technology history

In class we mentioned that history can be classified into different ways; political, economic, social, military, cultural, and to some extent legal.  I would like to include technological history as one of these categories.  Technological change has been going around throughout history, from the creation of the wheel to the last couple of years, in which the growth rate of technology has grown exponentially.

Taken from the IBM website,  IBM introduced the first magnetic hard disk for data storage which was called RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) in 1956.  The hard disk stores roughly 2,000 bits of data per square inch.  For just one megabyte, it could cost as much as $10,000.  Today, the cost of storing one megabyte is around 10 cents.  While 2,000 bits of data is miniscule in todays standards, it was a major breakthrough at the time.  We can say that this was the beginning of the advancement of computer technology today.  

Posted in 1953-1960, June 15 assignment | Tagged , , | 9 Comments



This is a clip of an advertisement for Microsoft in 1996. With its first launch of Microsoft Windows in 1985, it has developed continuously. With invention of Microsoft, the globalization further expanded and brought different changes to not only the United States but other countries as well. It allowed the opposite of worlds to be connected and transfered data in matter of few minutes to even seconds.

This clip is uploaded in youtube by ente75.

Posted in 1989-2000, Cultural History, June 8 assignment | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment