History 3072, History of Modern Latin America

The Church vs Liberals

The picture I chose is a church, to represent The Church. During the 1840’s, there were two political groups in Latin America, Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives were a group that believed the government should have the power to tell people what they could do. On the other hand, Liberals believed that people should be treated equally and have the freedom to do what they wanted to do. Knowing the beliefs of both groups, The Church chose to join the Conservatives. The biggest reason The Church chose to join the Conservatives was because they wanted to be able to maintain their power over the people. They wanted to merge religion and politics together. Using their “power” about God, The Church felt everyone should only do what God tells them to do. Their objective on how to rule over the people was completely different from how Liberals felt. This conflict between the two political parties would lead to many reforms in an attempt to reshape how the government worked. In the end, the differences between the two were just too great that it would lead to a civil war during the 1850’s and ending early 1860’s with Liberals coming out on top. Since The Church had chose to side with Conservatives, when the Liberals won, The Church and the Conservatives would both end up losing power over the people. Under new reforms, previous property owned by The Church would be confiscated except for places that allowed people to worship.