History 3072, History of Modern Latin America

Module 1 Assignment: Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar was one of the leading figures of independence during the liberation of Latin America from the rule of the Spanish. He was born rather well off but it did not mean he could escape from the rule of the Spanish and be deemed lower than a true Spanish born. As a child born in Latin America, he did not see the reason as to why the people that lived in Latin America originally were submitting themselves to the rule of the Spaniards. This discontent allowed him to pursue the interest, and eventually the goal, of freeing Latin Americans from the rule of the Spaniards.


Before Bolivar would set out on the path to liberation, he made numerous goals that he wished could be fulfilled along the path. As time progressed, he consolidated the goals that he had in mind and shortened them to what was the top issue that had to be resolved immediately. One of the top issues was the concept of slavery. Spain had conquered most of the lands of Latin America and ruled with an iron fist. The cultures of Spain were brought over and turned the world of the Latin Americans upside down. One such culture that was the norm in Spain was the allowance of slavery to exist and use of labor from slaves. Simon Bolivar disagreed with the concept of slavery and wanted slavery to be discontinued. The humiliation of slavery upon Latin Americans made Bolivar disagreement with the rule of the Spaniards worse. He knew that the Spaniards saw them as a disposable tool and voiced his concerns to the Spanish.


Another of Bolivars goals was the unification of Latin America so that Latin Americans would be able to gather and grow in power so that they would not have to suffer humiliation again from a foreign adversary. Spain ruled with only one voice and all its colonies and the motherland would have to follow that voice else they wished for punishment. Bolivar was upset with this and wished for the freedom that his people deserved. He wrote letters to Spain about his dissatisfaction with the way they were governing Latin America but it was to no avail. Spain only saw Latin America as a land of free or cheap labor and resources that they could exploit. But Bolivar was not dumb enough to oppose an entire empire by himself. He would have to bide his time and wait for the opportunity to arise before he would center himself as one of the pillars that would lead Latin Americans to reclaim the lands that were rightfully theirs.


Even though Bolivar was just one man in the face of an entire empire, he did not give up on his goal of releasing the shackles that Spain had on Latin America. Bolivar had to wait for the anger and the humiliation of his people to boil over before he could take action to defy the Spanish empire. As time went on, he was able to free his people from the rule of the Spaniards and many praised him as “the Liberator” that freed Latin America. His name would be known throughout history and he had rightfully deserved the praise. But his goals of unification were not finished due to some circumstances. But nevertheless, he had already gained the respect of many and passed down his tale of bravery to future generations.