American Empire is one of the most compelling urban histories published in the last few decades. Joshua Freeman sets out to undermine this exceptionalist view in his synthesis of American history after World War Two. American Empire is comprehensive in its sweep, but returns to three major themes such as firstly, extraordinary economic growth, especially in the quarter-century following World War Two; secondly, the proliferation of mass movements to bring the promise of democracy to fruition on the home front; thirdly, the dramatic expansion of American power in the world. furthermore, Befitting his interests, he emphasizes the economics dimension of the recent American past and highlights the certainly of social movements ( organized labor and Civil rights, particularly) in remarking the internal politics of the United States. On the third dimension, American foreign policy, Freeman is the most conventional. He assumes that American is an empire rather than defining exactly what that means. and unlike many of the most recent social and cultural historians writing on the subject, he leaves empire’s subjects mostly voiceless and, by implication, powerless.
In addition to this book tells the story of the United States during those years. it examines the political and economic structures of the country, daily life, regional and national culture, and the relationship between the United States and the rest of the world. Writer Freeman tells in doing so, it tries to explain why the United States took the particular path of development it did.
In the decades after World War Two, Americans rarely spoke of empire or imperialism, especially in relation to their society. Once common terms, widely used by both supporters and critics of policies meant to achieve control over foreign lands by the mid-twentieth century they had come to be seem as archaic and irrelevant to a world of decolonization and cold war.until the turn on of the new millennium, only on the political left during the vietnam era did imperialism get revived as a way of understanding the United States.
American Empire; Cold War 1970….. Chapter 8
Mohammad Qaiyum