Living Across the Globe

Similarities in living in Colombia and the United States

One similarity between Colombia and the United States is the branches of government. Both countries have the same branches of government: the judicial, executive, and legislative. However, the way that Colombians elects the president is by the popular vote. They vote every four years. Columbia’s constitution was based in America. In the United States, the president is elected by a system called the electoral college. The constitution was enacted in 1776 and signed by the founding fathers. In both countries, the government works in the same way. The judicial branch is run by the supreme court. The executive branch is run by the president. The legislative branch is run by congress. The only difference is in the executive branch because of Colombian government add the prime minister too. 


Another similarity that Colombia and the United States has is taxes. In Colombia, taxes are paid to the government and provide money to society. In Colombia, democrats believe that taxes should be paid because it helps people who need it. In this country, In the United States, taxes are paid to the government, so the government can spend on benefits and activities such as national parks, beaches, and others. In this country, republicans believe that taxes should not be paid while democratic think that they should be paid to give more to society. 

Author: dg156149