Killing Capitalism

Veganism Is an Eating Disorder

Eating disorders by definition are psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. Usually people think of anorexia or bulimia, but never veganism.

All forms of dieting are eating disorders, because they involve limiting oneself from a certain type or quantity of food, for purely psychological reasons. The only exception is if the diet is recommended by a doctor, but even then it’s still a physical eating disorder. Food allergies and obesity are both physical eating disorders.

Veganism is usually driven by a political ideology. If you let politics interfere with your eating habits, there’s truly something wrong with you. And if you’re so obsessed with your health, that you read count your daily nutrient intake, you should probably go see a psychologist.

Being a vegan doesn’t make you a good person. There are no moral consequences in eating animal products. You may think that rabbits are cute, or you may not like the idea of ending a life, but that’s no excuse not to eat meat. It makes no difference whether the rabbit is eaten by you or a cat. If the rabbit dies of cancer, it’ll surely be more painful than if it dies from the quick stroke of a knife.

Childhood and Adulthood Are Social Constructs

Age, of course, is not a social construct. If you’re eighteen years old, you’re eighteen years old. But that doesn’t make you an adult. And being twelve years old doesn’t make you a child. Age roles such as childhood, adulthood, old age, and adolescence, are all social constructs. It is like comparing sex to gender roles.

No age role is inherently better than another. There are good things about being a child, just as there are good things about being an adult. But why not demolish all age roles and just be yourself?

Just because you’re eighteen years old, it doesn’t mean you now have to suddenly be thinking about how you can serve society and all that stuff. You don’t have to abandon your childhood or teenage fun just to conform with the norm. It’s okay to be forty-five and still have fun like you did as a kid.

And if you’re fourteen, it’s okay to plan out your future, or to gain independence. Life has no instruction guide, except that which is stupidly forced upon us by society. If you want to live a good life, get rid of the instruction guide and figure yourself out.

Immigration Is Good for the Economy

Mexicans aren’t stealing your jobs. Rich people are. If you want to ban immigrants for economic reasons, you might as well ban children too. Because if an increase in population ruins the economy, it would make sense not to increase it. But luckily that is not the case. An increase in population creates jobs. Each additional person needs food, shelter, and plenty of other things. The higher the demand, the higher the need for labor.

Besides, illegal immigrants usually take the jobs you’d rather not do anyway. Unless you aspire to be a janitor, you shouldn’t be complaining. The only problem is that they don’t pay taxes. But of course this would change if all immigration was legalized. There is absolutely no reason for an immigration ban.

If you are concerned about national security, first you should know that your country of origin doesn’t make you more prone to being a psychopath. Psychopaths are just as easily born in the US as they are in other places. While it is true that some people may be motivated by political agendas, immigration bans do not help to prevent this. If someone truly wanted to bomb a US government building, they would find a way into the country regardless of whether or not they were banned from it. If broke Mexicans can enter the country illegally, so can rich terrorist organizations. There’s no reason to follow the US laws if your plan is to break it anyway.

Nothing Is Subjective

Everything has an objective truth. Opinions are just misinterpretations of that objective truth. If you like a song, it doesn’t mean it’s a good song. If you think someone’s attractive, it doesn’t mean they are. If you believe in something, it doesn’t mean it’s true. You may easily be delusional.

For everything you think is subjective, there is an objective answer. Just because the answer may be extremely difficult to find, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I will give some examples.

It is very common for humans to disagree upon the attractiveness of another human. But physical beauty is all a reflection of genetics. The most beautiful people are those who have the best genes. They are often healthier and smarter than most other people. But nobody has a perfect genetic makeup, so just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re not dumb. It might just be that they have a family history of really good health. And there are very often smart, ugly people as well. This is because they’re lacking in other areas. Maybe they have all sorts of genetic diseases in their genes.

For art, there is also an objective beauty. The beauty of art is a reflection of honesty and depth. The deeper we can empathize with the artist through her art, the better the art is. But it is important to distinguish between art and entertainment. Good entertainment may not be art at all. Action movies like Indiana Jones for example, are entertainment for the masses, but they do not qualify the least bit as art. Art is about expressing what’s within, while entertainment is about affecting the audience.

There are plenty of other examples of things that are seen as subjective, but in reality are objective. But there’s no reason to list them all. If you have the brains, go ahead and figure it out for yourself. If you put in enough thought, you can find the objective truth for anything.

Capitalism and Masculinity Both Worship of the Seven Deadly Sins

Capitalism and masculinity both worship the seven deadly sins. But ironically, modern-day Christian extremists advocate for both of them. Below is a list of each sin, and an explanation as to how it is glorified by capitalism and masculinity.

Greed/gluttony: The most obvious two. The whole point of capitalism is profit maximization for the individual, at the expense of the rest of society. The most masculine men traditionally hoard the most resources, and aspire to be powerful capitalists.

Envy: Capitalism is based off of the idea of competition. So is masculinity. Competition is all about envy. If your competition gets better sales than you, it’s envy that makes you care. If another man is more respected than you, it is envy that makes you want to fight him.

Wrath: Masculinity is all about power, and its exertion over others. A stereotypically masculine man has huge muscles and a bad temper. His main goal in life is to dominate. In the capitalist world, power is the biggest motivator next to greed.

Pride: The main reason why masculine men want power, is because they feel the need to defend their pride. The trophies of capitalism, such as material goods, certifications, and power, are all motivated by pride.

Lust: Sex sells. A true capitalist will sell anything, regardless of its morality. We see this in advertisements everywhere. And the only interaction between a masculine man and any woman, is sexual intercourse. Otherwise the masculine man sees no use in women, aside from being domestic slaves.

Sloth: This is the final motivation for both of these. The reason why capitalists are driven to success, is because they want to retire early and spend the rest of their life doing nothing to benefit society. Aside from sex, the reason why stereotypically masculine men need women, is to do all their household chores.

Whether or not you are religious, it is important to recognize these flaws in capitalism and masculinity. Both concepts need to be destroyed. The world would be much better off without them.

Marijuana Is the Most Harmful Drug

It’s trendy these days to post fake news articles and pseudo-scientific studies saying that marijuana is good for your health. It’s not. For every possible medical use, there is a better drug that can do it. Weed doesn’t cure cancer. Just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean it’s meant to be smoked. If you think so, go ahead and smoke some poison ivy.

Just because marijuana doesn’t kill brain cells when used sparingly, doesn’t mean it’s harmless to the brain. You don’t need an academic study to prove that it’s bad for you. Just observe the people who smoke it. Or observe yourself if you smoke it. Or both. There’s a reason we have the word “pothead”. In case you haven’t noticed, they don’t seem capable of carrying a conversation about anything else.

If you are under the age of twenty-five, you should avoid smoking weed, unless you don’t care if your frontal lobe doesn’t fully develop. Pot may not kill brain cells, but it does slow their growth. On average, the frontal lobe of your brain finishes its development at the age of twenty-five. Each time you smoke, it takes an average of three days for your brain growth to return to its normal speed. So if you smoke once a week, your brain will only grow about half as much as it would if you stayed sober.

If you have to smoke weed in order to have fun, that just means that you’re not a fun person. But just because you’re boring, doesn’t mean you always have to be boring. Instead of taking drugs to amuse yourself, try improving your personality. It takes a lot more effort, but at least it will lead to a happier life.

Contrary to popular belief, weed does not open your mind. It closes it, but leads you to believe that it’s open. It strengthens your biases and kills your ability to explore new ideas and lifestyles. It traps you in the same routines and the same boring conversations. You might think you’re the smartest person in the world when you’re high, but the stuff you say is probably pretty stupid.

People like to say that weed is not a gateway drug. But it’s extremely rare to find an abuser of hard drugs who didn’t start out smoking weed. This isn’t to say that smoking weed will automatically get you onto heroin. But it does make you less afraid to try it.

Sexual Activism is a Form of Misogyny

This article is for the people who think they’re rebels for being promiscuous. Sluts have been around since the dawn of time. You’re not rebels. Sexual depravity is not a virtue. It’s not a form of self-expression. It doesn’t make you special.

The root of women’s oppression is that in the past, society saw it as perfectly fine for men to commit immoral acts, while punishing any woman who commits the same act. There was once a time when it was okay for men to murder and steal. While for the most part, this is no longer the case, there are still some immoral acts that society believes is okay for men to do. One such act is casual sex. Regardless of sex, society should prohibit everyone from such activity.

The reason why casual sex is bad is because it is centered around human objectification. There is no love in casual sex. There is only the idea that both partners are using each other’s bodies to pleasure themselves. In their minds, neither partner is anything more than a sex toy. Your first instinct may be to deny this, but all you’re doing is preserving your ego. For whatever reason, most people want to be seen as a good person. People who are truly good do not care how they are perceived. Those who do care, only do good for self-gain.

Luckily, the quality of your life is not determined by how good of a person you are. If you’re immoral, just do everyone a favor and admit it. Just don’t go around saying that sex is moral. And if you call yourself a feminist, the worst thing you can do is mask your immoral acts in the name of women’s liberation. All you’re doing is profiting from your contributions to widespread objectification. Treat your body as a host for your mind, not for pleasure.