Killing Capitalism

Childhood and Adulthood Are Social Constructs

Age, of course, is not a social construct. If you’re eighteen years old, you’re eighteen years old. But that doesn’t make you an adult. And being twelve years old doesn’t make you a child. Age roles such as childhood, adulthood, old age, and adolescence, are all social constructs. It is like comparing sex to gender roles.

No age role is inherently better than another. There are good things about being a child, just as there are good things about being an adult. But why not demolish all age roles and just be yourself?

Just because you’re eighteen years old, it doesn’t mean you now have to suddenly be thinking about how you can serve society and all that stuff. You don’t have to abandon your childhood or teenage fun just to conform with the norm. It’s okay to be forty-five and still have fun like you did as a kid.

And if you’re fourteen, it’s okay to plan out your future, or to gain independence. Life has no instruction guide, except that which is stupidly forced upon us by society. If you want to live a good life, get rid of the instruction guide and figure yourself out.