The Case for Reparations

For next Thursday (11/14), read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ The Case for Reparations. Be sure to think about the essay both in terms of its content (the evidence presented) and its style and rhetorical strategies. You’ll note that the link includes an audio file of the essay. If you’re interested, you might also take a look at this interview… Read More The Case for Reparations

Brown v Board of Education

For Tuesday (11/4), you’ll be finishing Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye. We’ll also think about the legal context surrounding the novel, specifically one of the most important Supreme Court rulings of the twentieth century: Brown v Board of Education. The unanimous ruling held that school segregation violated the equal protection and due processes clauses of the 14th… Read More Brown v Board of Education

Caleb Williams

Though this novel is usually called Caleb Williams (after the protagonist and narrator who appears only briefly in the first volume), its original title was Things As They Are, suggesting that William Godwin meant the novel to provide a commentary on contemporary life. We’ll talk more about the political conditions surrounding the publication of the novel next… Read More Caleb Williams